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- From wang!elf.wang.com!ucsd.edu!info-hams-relay Tue Mar 5 20:41:59 1991 remote from tosspot
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- Message-Id: <9103051230.AA18231@ucsd.edu>
- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 91 04:30:30 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams-relay@ucsd.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V91 #199
- To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Info-Hams Digest Tue, 5 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 199
- Today's Topics:
- ?restrictions? in usenet groups
- AOR AR-1000
- bad shortwave blackout
- Doldrums (3 msgs)
- Driving with a scanner in Michigan (2 msgs)
- Help needed in Saudi
- Looking for info on O'Neill Communications.
- Radar band designations. Help!
- SONY 2010 or Grundig 500 SW Receiver Wanted
- subscription request
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 4 Mar 91 11:33:42 EST
- From: Bill Jones <wejones@crdec7.apgea.army.mil>
- Subject: ?restrictions? in usenet groups
- To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Until last week, our system has not had the capability of receiving
- usenet news, so I have been receiving mailing lists such as INFOHAMS,
- SWL-L,HOMESAT, and others via E-mail. When the usenet capability was activated,
- I decided to try reading the usenet version of these groups, only to
- find that:
- 1: There were basically no recent articals, even when new ones come
- in, they are a week or two old.
- 2: At the end of the articals are statements to the effect:
- "restrictions in rec.radio.amateur.misc still in effect"
- "restrictions in rec.video.satellite still in effect"
- "no articals under restriction"
- "restrictions in rec.radio.shortwave removed"
- "no articals under restriction"
- "restrictions in rec.ham-radio removed"
- ?What does all of this mean? Is this some sort of censorship, or are these
- restrictions generated locally while the usenet system is being set up?
- Just curious. Thanks in advance.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Mar 91 23:40:00 CST
- From: "812SPG" <812spg@sacemnet.af.mil>
- Subject: AOR AR-1000
- To: "info-hams" <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Problem: As have other AOR AR-1000 owners, I experienced problems
- with the squelch and reception of my hand scanner.
- Squelch - Several frequencies, particularly those in the 453-454 MHz
- region, had a tendency to lock up unless the squelch setting was
- turned to the maximum. There was also the problem of losing a
- previously set squelch threshold upon turning the radio off and then
- turning it back on again -- requiring a readjustment each time I
- "fired up" the AR-1000.
- Reception - From day one, reception with this radio was never
- something to write home about. Some received stations were below
- average reception-wise, while other stations could not be picked up
- at all. As time went on, and out of desperation, I discovered that
- each frequency was off by approximately 5-10 KHz. I found that by
- decreasing each entered frequency by 5-10 KHz, reception markedly
- improved! However, I found this technique to be very time consuming
- and not worth the money I had invested in the radio.
- Solution: I placed a call to ACE Communications and told them about
- the "off-center" frequency problem. As my radio was under warranty,
- they instructed me to ship it to them for calibration.
- I sent the unit via UPS on a Friday, and not expecting to see it
- again for at least 2 weeks, went on with life. The following
- Wednesday, I was shocked to get a call from the wife, who informed
- me that a package had just arrived from ACE Communications!
- Upon arriving home, I immediately checked my radio and was again
- shocked. In addition to the "off-center" frequency problem having
- been fixed, the squelch now operated perfectly! It was now
- operating like a whole different radio!
- Conclusion: For those that may be experiencing the same problems I had
- with my AR-1000 -- take advantage of your warranty and send it in
- for a "checkup" to the fine folks at ACE! And, in my opinion, the
- people at ACE were superb in both service and turnaround time.
- Larry Zielasko
- --------------------------------
- INTERNET: 812spg@sacemnet.af.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Mar 91 14:47:12 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!noose.ecn.purdue.edu!en.ecn.purdue.edu!ghg@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (George Goble)
- Subject: bad shortwave blackout
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- recent reports indicate that this week is declining or steady
- solar activity.. around 8:50AM (local, est), 1350 GMT, today,
- 3/4/91, there was an HF blackout.. nothin' 5-30 Mhz! Background
- noise was normal. Heard a couple of "local" hams on 40m talking
- about the same thing. Things were pretty much back to normal
- in 15 mins or so, with the higher freqs coming back first.
- Location: Lafayette, In. AM BC (670 Khz) from Chicago, WMAQ
- seemed to be unaffected though.
- --ghg
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Mar 91 03:47:03 GMT
- From: snorkelwacker.mit.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!helps!bongo!julian@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Julian Macassey)
- Subject: Doldrums
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I wonder if anyone has noticed the dearth of articles since we went
- to the wonderful rec.radio.splut distribution. Used to be I whiled
- away precious hours reading about Morris building character. And oh
- the fun I had reading how if you turn on a walkie-talkie on a plane
- it will go down in flames.
- For days I have seen only a few dull articles. Yes Esmerelda, I am
- subscribed to rec.radio.everything.including.lawyers and I am aliased.
- Was the new splut system supposed to improve the quality? Maybe we
- should be told.
- --
- Julian Macassey, n6are julian@bongo.info.com ucla-an!denwa!bongo!julian
- 742 1/2 North Hayworth Avenue Hollywood CA 90046-7142 voice (213) 653-4495
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Mar 91 17:57:40 GMT
- From: chiton!rec@ucsd.edu (Richard Currier)
- Subject: Doldrums
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <332@bongo.UUCP> julian@bongo.info.com (Julian Macassey) writes:
- > I wonder if anyone has noticed the dearth of articles since we went
- >to the wonderful rec.radio.splut distribution. Used to be I whiled
- >away precious hours reading about Morris building character. And oh
- >the fun I had reading how if you turn on a walkie-talkie on a plane
- >it will go down in flames.
- Looks like the net gods of boredom have struck. I have never seen a group die
- so fast as this one. I saw no need to split up the group in the first place
- and still don't see why it was done.
- >
- > For days I have seen only a few dull articles. Yes Esmerelda, I am
- >subscribed to rec.radio.everything.including.lawyers and I am aliased.
- >Was the new splut system supposed to improve the quality? Maybe we
- >should be told.
- I think it was supposed to get rid of the code/no-code, YS (young snots)/OF
- flame wars. The problem is those were the only posts worth reading. What the
- group needs is some really outrageous statements in the "misc" sub-group. How
- about.."Packet BBS's sysops SHOULD be held responsible for all traffic that
- passes through their systems. The amateur spectrum is wasted on computer dweebs
- avoiding phone charges. Hold their digital feet to the fire and drive them off
- the air." How about that. That should get some fires started.....
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >--
- >Julian Macassey, n6are julian@bongo.info.com ucla-an!denwa!bongo!julian
- >742 1/2 North Hayworth Avenue Hollywood CA 90046-7142 voice (213) 653-4495
- --
- richard currier marine physical lab u.c. san diego
- rec@mpl.ucsd.edu
- 619-534-1730
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Mar 91 22:45:10 GMT
- From: lib!thesis1.hsch.utexas.edu@tmc.edu (Jay Maynard)
- Subject: Doldrums
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <332@bongo.UUCP> julian@bongo.info.com (Julian Macassey) writes:
- > I wonder if anyone has noticed the dearth of articles since we went
- >to the wonderful rec.radio.splut distribution. Used to be I whiled
- >away precious hours reading about Morris building character. And oh
- >the fun I had reading how if you turn on a walkie-talkie on a plane
- >it will go down in flames.
- What dearth? The total of all of the groups seems to be about the same as
- before, with possibly a slight falling off due to those of us who had
- no-code rammed down our throats finally digesting it. (An anti-code comment
- deserves an anti-no-code reply.) In particular, rec.radio.amateur.* has
- more postings in it than my other favorite recreational group, rec.aviation,
- and that matches the previous set as well.
- For the record, I'm not going to claim credit for the idea of the reorg;
- that honor goes to Paul Flaherty, N9FZX. I merely saw the process through.
- (For those who don't understand what rec.radio.splut implies: my home system
- is named splut.conmicro.com.)
- > For days I have seen only a few dull articles. Yes Esmerelda, I am
- >subscribed to rec.radio.everything.including.lawyers and I am aliased.
- >Was the new splut system supposed to improve the quality? Maybe we
- >should be told.
- Well, that was the idea behind adding the .policy group, and I'm glad to
- see a lot of the legal flamage moved there. I'm not going to claim credit
- for all of that, either, though.
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@thesis1.hsch.utexas.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
- "You can even run GNUemacs under X-windows without paging if you allow
- about 32MB per user." -- Bill Davidsen "Oink!" -- me
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Mar 91 15:54:34 GMT
- From: usc!samsung!umich!vela.acs.oakland.edu!argo.acs.oakland.edu!SDKUO@ucsd.edu (Steve Kuo)
- Subject: Driving with a scanner in Michigan
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I have a question concerning having a scanner in a car in the
- state of Michigan.
- Section 750.508 of the Michigan Compiled Laws reads:
- Any person who shall equip a vehicle with radio receiving set
- that will receive signals ... ... unless such vehicle is used or
- owned by a peace officer or a bona fide amateur radio operator
- holding a conditional, general, advanced or extra class amateur
- license issued by the FCC ... ... shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
- punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not more than 1 year
- or by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by both ... ...
- Reading this over, I am confused as to which amateur radio license
- one must hold to equip a vehicle with scanner. It is obvious that
- a General class or above is allowed. But what is meant by the word
- conditional? Does this allow Technician or Novice class?
- Any law people out there that can help?
- Steven D. Kuo
- sdkuo@argo.acs.oakland.edu
- sdkuo@sycom.UUCP
- Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA
- "Go Green, Go MSU"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Mar 91 02:24:36 GMT
- From: usc!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!samsung!interlan.InterLan.COM!interlan.interlan.com!yetsko@ucsd.edu (Mike Yetsko)
- Subject: Driving with a scanner in Michigan
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I'd say this law doesn't make sense anymore. Conditional was an OLD class
- that was roughly general, but you didn't travel to the FCC office for your
- upgrade. I think this was granted for long commutes, later changed to REAL
- long commutes, and finally blown off totally. The fact that it excludes
- technicians would open it up for court challenge, as technician class
- operators now have privlidges in bands that border law enforcement bands.
- Novice operators at 10M, 220, and 1.2GHz aren't in the same boat, but that
- STILL might open it to challenge, especially if some over zealous officer
- tried to enforce it for a multi-band radio.
- I'd challenge the law just because I think it's assinine and stupid anyway.
- Mike Yetsko
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 91 01:53:20 MST
- From: Ronald Claiborne <ATRC-WDA@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
- Subject: Help needed in Saudi
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Hello,
- I am a soldier in Saudi Arabia accessing my account by a SAT
- uplink from Saudi. Now that the war is over we want to try
- experimenting with some of the military commo equipment that we
- have access to.
- Can you suggest freqs, azm., times, etc... for moon bounce or
- Oscar experiments? The equipment I have access to is normally used
- to access a military SAT and has freq. range of 225-400MHZ.
- Include To R. Claiborne in the subject line!
- Thanks for any help....
- -------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Mar 91 02:44:01 GMT
- From: munnari.oz.au!johnh@THEORY.TN.CORNELL.EDU (John Horvath)
- Subject: Looking for info on O'Neill Communications.
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Hello.
- I am looking for address/telephone details for a company who supplies
- a LAWN interface unit (local-area wireless network) that connects to
- the serial port of a PC.
- The name of the company is: O'Neill Communications (Princeton, NJ).
- An article in June 1990 Byte on wireless LANs mentioned this company
- but gave no further details on their whereabouts.
- Thanks for any help.
- John (VK3DWT).
- (Sorry for the cross-posting) :-)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1991 03:20:47 -0500
- From: oler@HG.ULeth.CA (CARY OLER)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- MARCH 05, 1991
- Flare Event Summary
- Potential Impact Forecast
- --------
- A very significant amount of major solar flaring has occurred over the
- past 24 hours from a region just emerging around the eastern limb. This
- region is still very near the east limb, hence no detail in spot activity
- can be discerned. However, four large major flares have occurred over the
- past 6 to 18 hours from the region coming into view.
- The first major flare peaked at an X-ray intensity of X7. This very
- strong X-class flare was optically uncorrelated. It was associated with a
- strong Type II sweep frequency event. The estimated shock speed of the
- Type II was 600 kilometers per second. It was located near approximately
- S23E90 (or slightly beyond the east limb).
- The second major flare began at 23:59 UT on 4 March, peaked at a class
- M6.7/2B rating at 00:09 UT on 5 March, and ended at 00:28 UT on 5 March.
- The location of this flare was S21E88. No sweeps were observed.
- The third major flare began at 03:02 UT on 5 March, peaked at 03:12 UT
- and ended at 03:43 UT on 5 March. This flare was a powerful class X1.5/3N
- (the largest area attained by a flare in well over a year). Loops were
- observed on the limb with this flare. It was located at S19E89. No sweeps
- were observed although a coronal mass ejection is likely from this event.
- The last major flare so far began at 04:58 UT, peaked at 05:06 UT and
- ended at 05:45 UT on 05 March. This flare reached a powerful class M9.3
- x-ray level, but was optically uncorrelated. It was associated with a
- strong 720 s.f.u. Tenflare and a 990 s.f.u. burst at 245 MHz. No sweeps
- were recorded from this event, although a coronal mass ejection (CME) is
- likely from this event.
- The region(s) responsible for this recent barrage of major flaring is
- still not in view well enough to determine the spot and magnetic
- complexity. However, it is very clear that some very high magnetic
- gradients exist in the region now rotating into view. Hints of the activity
- were noticed two days ago when M-class x-ray activity was being observed
- without any optical counterparts. It is now evident that this M-class
- flare activity was most likely the result of the region now rotating into
- view. No significant activity was anticipated. This region is a surprise.
- The major flaring which has occurred over the past 24 hours will not
- have any terrestrial impacts aside from possible moderate to high intensity
- SID's/SWF's and greater probabilities for VHF SID-induced signal
- enhancements.
- PLEASE NOTE!! If the region(s) responsible for this major flaring
- continues to produce major flares over the coming week, potentially high
- terrestrial impacts could occur. Persons, organizations, and/or researchers
- who might be affected by the major flaring should take note of this and pay
- close attention for future major flare alerts and possible terrestrial
- impacts (ie. magnetic storming) later this week. It is possible that this
- region could quite literally blow itself out before it begins to enter the
- area capable of producing terrestrial impacts. More will be known in the
- next 24 to 48 hours as the region(s) present themselves for closer
- examination.
- Major flaring WILL CONTINUE over the next 24 hours at least. There is
- not much of a threat at the present time for proton activity from the
- flaring regions although it is quite probable that they are throwing out
- protons. The flaring regions are still too far east to produce any
- significant proton activity. This will change as the regions travel toward
- the central solar meridian. Proton activity could become a factor anytime
- from about 08 or 09 March until the region(s) responsible rotate beyond the
- west limb by about 18 or 19 March (a preliminary estimate). The flare
- centers should begin crossing the central meridian by about 12 March.
- Alerts and updates will be posted on a daily basis over the next
- week or so unless the activity becomes less active. The solar flux will
- increase to near or above 250 by 18:00 UT on 05 March.
- Watch for further flare alerts and possible terrestrial impact
- warnings.
- ** End of Alert **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Mar 91 00:48:21 GMT
- From: uhccux!munnari.oz.au!metro!otc!brendan@nosc.mil (Brendan Jones)
- Subject: Radar band designations. Help!
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I would like to know what are the old and new radar designations are and
- what their exact frequency span is, ie the old bands are L, S, C, X, K etc
- and the new bands are D, E, F, G, J, K etc but I do not have information
- on what exact frequencies these bands cover.
- If anyone can help me out I would appreciate a complete list of designations
- (old and new) covering the frequencies 1 GHz to 100 GHz at least.
- Email is probably best as the only newsgroup I read out of the above list is
- sci.electronics.
- Thanks in advance for any help!!
- --
- Brendan Jones | ACSnet: brendan@otc.otca.oz.au | What does
- R&D Contractor | UUCP: {uunet,mcvax}!otc.otca.oz.au!brendan | your
- Services R&D | Phone: (02)2873128 Fax: (02)2873299 | company
- |||| OTC || | Snail: GPO Box 7000 Sydney 2001, AUSTRALIA | export?
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Mar 91 01:25:27 GMT
- From: sun-barr!newstop!exodus!itlwrk.Eng.Sun.COM!tbasche@lll-winken.llnl.gov (Todd Basche)
- Subject: SONY 2010 or Grundig 500 SW Receiver Wanted
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- HI,
- I am looking for a short wave receiver , that is portable. I have
- looked at the Sony 2010 and the Grundig 500. I have also heard that
- the Sony 2001 is almost the same as the Sony 2010, is that the case ?
- Does the 2001 have the synchronous detector, are the specs the same
- overall ?
- Does anyone out there have one of these they are looking to
- sell ? (Now that the war is over)
- Thanks,
- Todd Basche alias tbasche@sun.com 415-336-4821
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 05 Mar 91 10:38:50 SET
- Subject: subscription request
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest
- ******************************